Vera's Creation

最近都忙着考試, 而且電腦又出現一點問題, 弄的心情很不爽. 然后還有一個人叫我快點換掉面子書的照片, 哦..我哪有時間啊?
Recently busy for exam, and my laptop has some problems, makes me upset. Someone ask me to change my primary photo in Facebook, Oh, I don't have time.

有沒有看見我的部落格換名字了?呵呵, 這就是大家平時稱呼我的別名, 所以用來當部落格的名字, 也算是個人brand.
Do you all noticed my blog have changed name? hehe, this is the name my friends usually use to address me, so I use it as my blog name, and it is my personal brand.

忙啊!忙啊! 懶得寫, 所以把自己以前做的東西貼上來, 給我意見意見呀..
Busy! lazy to update, so i paste my previous creation, give me some opinions ya..

這是第一個作品, 是用來應付我的教授的.
This is the first creation, for my lecturer.
這是完成品. 因為我看第一個越看越亂, 所以不滿意, 重新做過.
Second Creation, i am not satisfy with the first one, because it looked messy.


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