Yesterday morning, I have passes up my homework smoothly, "Culture does affect negotiations".I had do two draft but lecturer dissatisfied. So I finally decided not to rely on teammates, do it myself and passed up, of course, even if they did not do anything, they still can get same marks. That is why I hate group works.
而今天遇見其中一人, 表現的完全沒有愧疚感, 沒關系, 就是有這樣的人才能顯示我的清高. :)
Today I met one of them, the performance of no feelings of guilt, it does not matter, because such people can show my beautiful heart. :)
聽着Sleep With ghost! 旋律很動聽! 你們試去找找看. 怕Ghost的人聽了都不怕.
Listening to Sleep With ghost! Its melody is very pleasant to hear! try to search it.
現在是1.30am, 還沒睡覺, 而且鼻子敏感, 一整天一直打噴嚏.
It is 1.30am now, not sleeping yet, and my nose sensitive again, I have been sneezing all days.
如果說打一個噴嚏是別人想念我, 那我這種情形就類似巫毒娃娃的詛咒, 因為我的鼻子要被我擦爛了, 一臉哭泣樣.
If we say that a sneeze is the other people missing me, then my situation is similar to the voodoo doll curse, because I rub my nose to be rotten, and look like crying.

"Don't you always bully me, make me cry all days!" I also make fun of my roommate. I am really very painful, ah! The weather changed, my nose changed too. So, my nose is the weather radar .
上一篇文章說到我去Dicso, 其實我一直很討厭Disco這個字, 感覺粗俗. 比較喜歡Clubbing.
Speaking of the article I went to Dicso, in fact I have always hated the word Disco, feel vulgar. Prefer use "Clubbing".

After PCPE Project, we have heard some peoples gossip about us.
這個活動名為"PCPE", 即是Penang Career Post-Graduate Expo", 顧名思義Career Fair就是找工作的喇!
The campaign, entitled "PCPE", that is Penang Career Post-Graduate Expo ", as the name said, that is a campaign for people to seek jobs.
我小小的驕傲一下, 我賣到兩個Booth哦, 一個Booth RM四千塊, 當然我的阿頭也幫了我很多, 我才賣的出去.
I am a little proud of something, I was sold two Booth, a Booth costs RM4000, of course, my manager has helped me a lot.
活動完了后, 在同一個學會的人說我們PCPE男女關系很亂, 男疊女, 真是把A.....大大的招牌給打壞了. 說到這個我就氣!
After the event finished, the people in same organization said the relationship between men and women in PCPE are mess and we have broke A..... brand. So angry when I talked about this.

Besides, they also told all members that we loss money in the event during general meeting, my leader is not happy and recheck the account and we found that they have made a mistake! In fact, we did earn moneys, but we already can't claim at GM, so sad! They really not respects our efforts!
爆料! 我要爆料! 是你們逼我的! 其實之前他們有辦一個Annual Dinner, 那些男女也是喝的爛醉, 然后有一個女的嘗試勾搭上我的男性朋友, 要我朋友抱她, 一直依靠在我男性朋友懷里, 因為她醉了.
In fact, they had organize a Annual Dinner before, which is those people also drunk like hell, then there is a woman trying to mess around my male friend, and want my friend to hug her, she rely on my friend because she is drunk.
而事實是, 她根本沒醉. 而里面呢, 一些已經有男朋友的女孩也一直黏我的男性朋友, 感覺就是要一個在UUM, 一個在家鄉.
The fact is, she is not drunk. Besides, there have some girls that already have BF also mess around my friend, maybe she wants to have one bf in UUM, one bf in hometown.
或者她的夢想是全世界都有一個吧. 而現在, 她為了一個有錢人, 拋棄她在家鄉的男友, 呵, 說到這個, 又是有好多故事可以告訴你們了.
Or perhaps her dream is to have one BF in each country. And now, she has a rich bf, but because of this rich bf, she abondoned her bf at hometown. Well, talking about this, there have many stories follow on.

I hate them to say we are bad like slut or bitch because we are controlling ourselves well. When they say so, it feel like we have polluted the name of A...... Although we are not happy, but we don't fight with them, because of one theory, remember it, that is...
"You can not make everyone satisfied, because not all of them are human!"
不要得罪我, 如果我真的超級不爽, 小心出現在我各大交友網站里, 我的Facebook有兩千人, Plurk有百人, 而且還有很多Turkey的粉絲, 我不是什麼善男信女.(呵呵, 卻說越心虛...)
Do not offend me, if I am really in a super-bad mood, be careful in my major dating sites, I have a Facebook with 2000 people, Plurk has 200 friends, and I also have a lot of Turkey's fans, I am not a good person. (shy...)
对流血一周仍然不死的动物千万不能大意. 明白嗎?
Don't be careless to animal that don't die even already bleeding for one week, understood?
說了這么多, 你們知道A.....的團體是什麼了嗎? 還滿有名的, 哈哈.
After all, do you know A represents what organization? It is quite famous, Ha.
ReplyDeletesweet boys adn girls~xD
disco and clubbing 我两个都不喜欢。。