Ms. Lim (me) recently has fallen in love with classical western music. Classical western music has strong emotion inside, just like red wine, talking about this, remind me that my home's red wine haven't finish, and thinking of my hostel's jolly shandy that contain not more than 1% acohol.
我去過Disco一次, 人身中的唯一一次. 沒有什麼很好的經歷, 也沒有人搭訕, 因為去的時候是Sunday, 隔天大家都要工作, 廳里只有我們幾只小貓小狗.
I have been to disco Once, and the only one. Not a very good experience, and no one approaced, because the day i went there is Sunday, most people have left. They need to work tomorrow, so just left few people in disco.
我的男朋友, 大家別誤會, 是我的男生朋友叫了一jar的Vodka配特調Lemon Juice. 剛開始大家都很不high, 那些男生說只要喝酒了氣氛就會來了. 果然不久后, 其他的人開始high起來了, 只有我還是保持冷靜的腦袋看世界.
My boyfriends, don't get misunderstand, is my boy's friends have odered a jar of Vodka with Lemon. At first, everyone is not high, those boys said after we drinks the atmosphere will come. sure enough, shortly after that, other people began to high up, only me still remain calm and watching them coolly.
我想置身事外, 可我的朋友硬要我出去跳舞, 我還是不開心. 我發誓, 如果下次還要去Disco, 有人再拉我出去, 我一定打斷他的手, 有人規定去舞廳一定要跳舞的嗎? 而且只不過是像蛇一樣扭動纏人的假舞步, 我對真正的舞比較有興趣.
I try to stay out, but my friends insisted I to dance, i am not happy! I swear, next time if i still go to Disco, if anyone pulling me out to dance, I will break his hand. Who said we must dance at disco? and it is just wriggling like a snake, fake dance, I am interested in "Dance"!
有一個朋友不常喝酒, 幾杯Vodka下肚, 醉了. 我知道自己的限度, 再加上我酒精敏感, 不能喝太多酒, 所以一直很控制. 她開始瘋起來, 和其他人玩的很開心..就還是只有我, 不爽! 我想馬上逃離! 電影上不是還會有朋友和我們一起猜拳喝酒的嗎? 為什麼和我想的都不一樣? 果然, 電影是不能相信的! 而且在那邊, 我的耳朵要炸了.
I have a friend that don't drink, after having 3 cups of Vodka, she drunk. I know my limits and I am allergic to alcohol, so i am controlling myself. The girl started act crazy and having fun, just me..still in bad mood! I wanna escape right away! People will play and talk in disco furing I watched movies. Why what i saw from movies is different, now i know movies cannot be believed. Besides, staying there, my ears almost explode!
整個過程維持了3,4個小時后我們就離開了, 當然我那醉貓朋友也是不省人事了, 我被逼要照顧她. 可是她醉了后真的好可愛哦! 而且還做了一些可以讓我笑很久的白癡事情例如她的內褲事件, 還一直說我不可以吵, 不然Nicole會罵的, Nicole是我的美女阿頭..哈哈哈...回味至今, 我還是忘不了.
The whole process lasted 3/4 hours, and my friend is really drunk, so I have to take care of her, but she is really Q after drunk, and did many stupid thing such as story of underwear, and she keep saying that "I must keep quiet, if not Nicole will scold me." Nicole is our pretty project director. ha ha ha , until now, i still can't forget.

hey audience, do you all found that i remain calm for whole process? i ever use electronic dictionary to do fortune-telling, the thing mention I have to be nun. So I keep telling my friends, if i become a nun, don't be surprise because this is fate.
反正其實我會做什麼出乎你們意料的事情也不需要嚇到, 因為我的存在就是一個驚喜.
In fact, i would do anything that always make people surprised, but my presence itself was a surprise. :)
我的思想怪異, 行為奇特, 也只是因為我與眾不同. 不是要贊自己厲害, 而這種與眾不同也不是什麼好事情.
I thought strange, acts strange, only because I am different. Not to praise myself, because this type of different is not good.
哎喲, 我開頭不是要說什麼老歌的嗎? 怎么無端端飛去Disco了? 我真的是廢話大王. 現在在這里說老歌也好像不適合. 那下次在說..掰!
Oh, i mentioned the classical music at first, isn't? why suddenly I am talking about disco? I am rubbish king, always say something useless. Now talking of classical music is not fit at all, so next
time, Bye!