都市人的生活似乎離不開Shopping. 沒辦法, 最接近自己的就是Shopping了。
However, economy pressure keep increasing, sometimes it is just window shopping. Why don't we do some beneficial and economical activities?
但是經濟壓力不斷加強, Shopping也只是看Window, 不如進行一系列有益且經濟的活動!
1. Design A Special Day 與眾不同的行程體驗
If you prefer short term travel during weekend, pick a day and design a special schedule. Example, during morning, visit Dialogue in the Dark (DID) to experience the lifestyle of people who have lost their sight. Workers of DID are people who can't see which makes them the best person to show visitors around as there is no single trace of light inside the Experience Hall.
Afternoon, you may find a blind massage centre and pamper yourself with some massage. Not only relaxing your body but also helping people who lost their sight. At night, be a blind people and dine in the dark. Experience what it feels like and focus on your meal. Most people forget the correct way to enjoy their food.
在假期的時候, 不想去太遠的地方旅行, 那就設計一些特別的行程。 例如, 早上的時候, 可以抽出一些時間探訪Dialogue in the Dark (DID). DID是一間能讓普羅大眾參與盲人生活的體驗館, 意思是體驗館是完全黑暗的。 裡面的員工都是盲人, 他們會帶領大家完成大約是45分鐘的行程。 下午的時候, 去盲人按摩院放鬆自己的身心靈。 由於看不見, 他們的觸覺更靈敏, 更好的找到讓你放鬆的穴道及筋骨。 晚上, 去Dinner in the Dark, 親身體驗在完全黑暗下, 全神貫注享受用處的樂趣。 現代人已經忘了正確吃飯的方式。
2。 Hiking 爬山
Hiking does not cost much unless you would like to challenge yourself. I met some woman around 60-70 years old during hiking, they hike every day and faster than young people. Hiking will increase your lung capacity, train the balance of your body, relax your eye muscle, absorption of superoxide anion and other benefits. If you worry knee injury, walk slowly and still enjoy the same benefits.
爬山是不太需要花錢的活動, 除非想挑戰超超高難度的級別, 另當別論。 爬山的時候遇見一些已經七八十歲的老婆婆, 每天堅持爬山, 樣貌體態看起來只有五十歲的樣子, 甚至能比年輕人爬得更快! 爬山能增加你的肺活量, 訓練平衡感, 讓眼部神經鬆弛, 吸收氧氣負離子等。 害怕傷害膝蓋的朋友則能選擇低程度的山路, 滿滿的走別急, 一樣能享受以上的好處。
3. Glamping
Glamping is the combination of Glamorous and Camping. Impression of camping are rugged activities for people that are very active. Glamping is the game changer for camping. If you are tired of the standard 5 star hotel room, opt for luxury camping which is near with river. Wake up with the sound of water is wonderful! Treehouse is another good choice for glamping selection.
Glamping就是Glamourous和Camping的結合。 露營給人的印象就是適合比較粗曠的人參與進行的活動。 現在把Glamorous與Camping結合, 即使在露營也要享受奢華的設備。 厭倦了5星級酒店, 那就選擇5星級的帳篷, 架在靠近河的營地, 一起床就會有潺潺水聲陪伴著你, 就像小龍女那樣逍遙自在。5星級的帳篷裡能有舒服的床, 甚至能讓你在裡面走步。 另外樹屋也是不錯的選擇。

4. DIY / Cooking 手工 / 烹飪
Try something that you have never do before, such as DIY or cook special food. You can make your own soap, bracelets and etc. Cook some exotic food such as curry and experience different method of cooking. Call your friends and enjoy the gathering.
借週末的空閒時間, 嘗試一些新鮮事物, 例如做手工或烹調一些從沒嘗試過的食物。 簡單的手工包括製造自己的肥皂, 串珠等。 烹調異國風情的食物, 感受不同地方的特別煮法。 弄好了還能呼朋喚友來家裡, 實實在在的聊天, 而不是名義上而已。(例如坐在同一個地方用短信聊天)。 現代人已忘了手工, 傾向電子產品。 電子壞了, 你還有什麽呢?
5. Handmade Thank You Card 感謝賀卡
There are a lot of people that we are grateful however no time to say Thank You. Use the precious weekend and prepare a hand-made card for them. This is a digital era, hand-made card will be more valuable than ever.
生活中是不是有很多想感謝但卻沒時間的對象? 或者是不小心忘了曾經幫助你的人。 趁這個假期, 利用多餘的時間把這些人列下, 製作一張感謝賀卡給他們。 我們在一個電子時代, 所以手工賀卡愈加難能可貴。 不要低估一張感謝賀卡的能力, 你會得到有意想不到的回應。
hi, 感激在我部落留言, 让我有机会前来你的部落参观...
Design A Special Day 是现在都士人最需要的, 总是离商场远点, 眼睛少瞄漂亮的物质 :P
hiking, camping, photography ... 这是我远离的办法...
DID 我也好想体验, 克服害怕黑的心理;)