這部電影運用了玛雅预言來帶出整個故事,但其實對於這個預言,導演並沒有很注重, 反而比較注重感情戯, 卻還是勾不起我的情緒,因爲太矯情了。
2012基本上是噱頭夠,但是劇情淡薄,硬是要玩什麽家人的團結,朋友的友情,雖然現在英雄主義電影不是主流,但是太過玩弄感情的電影會把原本就能自然表達的情感流于表面, 變得不倫不類, 而且他們的ending也很。。。。廢!那個船的大門開關是他們弄壞的, 所以有他們下去補也是應該的吧?而且我最討厭裏面的一個劇情就是儅他們要求開船門的時候, 那些什麽國家的人都扮的一副人寞人樣,一起支持要開船門, 所以那個門就因爲這樣卡住了,開心了吧?你們的英雄就能來拯救你們了。。。
真正比較能看就是他的effect而已, 超厲害的!一定要會很棒的想象空間才能把這一切弄出來, 看得我心蕩蕩。再來就是我喜歡裏面的有錢的俄國壞人了, 他很自私自利,但是卻被塑造得很幽默, 讓我看得很開心。雖然他抛棄了就他的人,但是在最後,他竟然願意犧牲自己也要救他的兩個胖胖的孩子。那個坏副領的性格很討厭,但卻是最真實的。
如果要比,我比較喜歡[後天], 因爲裏面演員的感情戯不多,可是導演卻把他們之間的僵硬,軟化到再度團聚的感情戯顯現出來。但是有一點就是,裏面的演員都很會跑,因爲無論洪水再怎麽快,降溫速度再怎麽快,主角們總是能用那雙普通人類的腳逃脫。所以這個故事告訴我們, 無論如何, 一定要練好身體。而當我知道2012出的時候,我們趕快問姐姐他們也是不是跑得很快,我姐姐說:“沒有,這次進步了,是用車子。”
不過再怎麽說都好,這部電影還是好過New Moon。。下一次我就要談談這部我看得要睡覺的電影。

The film used the Mayan prophecy to bring out the whole story, but in fact for this prediction, the director has not paid great attention to, but pay more attention to the feelings of love, but it still can not hook my emotions, because it is too like fishing for sympathy.
The Russian's girlfriend had been holding her dog, even when they are going to die, and she also sacrifice herself to save the dog. What shit story is this? Maybe Roland Emmerich also echoed to group of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals? It seems like when the group of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals members watch this, they will burst into tears..
2012 is basically enough attraction, but weak plot, simply wanted to show what is the unity of the family, friendship, although heroism is not popular for movie nowadays, but playing of emotion in this movie cannot show the true love among family and make this movie becomes unreal and their ending is also very. . . .funny. The ship's door is broken by the main character, so although they went down to repair it, it is a must, right? And when those VIP for each country are asked to open the door, they all act like they are really care about those people and agree to open, and then the door stuck, and here come your hero to save you all, bullshit, so are you all satisfied?
But i really love the effect in movie, it is real and amazing! Those people must have a good imagination to create those pictures. Besides, I like the Russian bad guy in the movie. He was very selfish, but was shaped humorous, so I am please to see him. Although he abandoned people who help him at last time, but in the end, he even willing to sacrifice himself but also to save his two fat kids. That main bad role's personality is annoying, but he is most real character.
If really have to judge two movies, I prefer [The Day After Tomorrow], because even though the plot of family together are not much, but the director still success to show the change of their feeling from stiff to appreciate each other. But one thing is, the actors inside are good runner, because no matter how fast the floods, no matter how quick is the the cooling rate lower, the characters still can escape with their ordinary legs. So this story tells us, in any case, we must strengthen my body. And when I know about 2012, I asked my sister whether those characters are good runners also and my sister said: "No, this movie has improved, they used cars."
But no matter how bad is this movie, I think this is better than New Moon. . So next time I will talk about New Moon that almost make me sleep.
P.s/ Do you all think that the foods, drinking water, energy are enough to afford those people who suddenly can go into the ship?
我看我也不想活了= =lll一个人活着却寂寞更痛苦吧?
new moon我还没看...所以不知道哪一步比较好。>3<