My brother is form 4 right now, but you can't tell from his outside, because he still looked childish.
Although it is a long time from our trip, but i still can remember what he said during the trip. Our trip are one night two days, so i will separate it to different parts.
話説第一天, 我們早上6.00已經出發了,而且看見很多人在那邊等, 哪知,原來是去泰國的。他們的那個團只是需要RM200++而已,真的超級便宜, 絕對適合budget不高的學生們!
First day, we go out during 6am, and a lot of people are waiting there already but i did not realize those people are going to Thailand. Their trip just need TM200++, cheap and suitable for students.
導遊先帶我們到大城堡吃早餐,由於我們已經吃了,所以只是在那邊看看。那邊最有名的是雞窩包, 可惜我覺得只是名字好聽,真實並沒有那麽好吃。 雞窩包的原理就是源自于糯米雞以及包子的結合。 但是他的糯米雞卻不像平時吃到的糯米雞般鮮嫩,,外皮的包子也沒有包子應有的香醇味, 所以對於這個結合,我只能說新鮮感爲重。雖然很有名,但是滿足不了嘴尖的我們。 我不挑食, 只是卻很會吃, 因爲我的家人都是愛吃鬼。
Tourist guide first took us to Sri Petaling to have our breakfast, we have eaten, so we just take a look over there. The most famous is "JI Wo Bao", unfortunately I think it is just the name sounds good, it does not as delicious as it is. "JI Wo Bao" is the combination of Pao and Sticky rice in lotus leaf, but their sticky rice in lotus leaf are not smooth as normal, and their pao does not have mellow flavor, so i just can say this combination is important from freshness. Although it is famous, but I am not satisfied with it because I know what is tasty foods.:)

Those pictures are taken from internet.
吃了早餐,我們就坐在車子直到柔佛。 導遊帶我們到一個很山的地方, 原來是要看樹眼。 進門票是RM10, 已經去過很多地方旅遊的爸爸媽媽感覺上這麽一進去是非常不值得,所以只是讓我們這三個沒有見識的小傢伙進去。
After breakfast, we continue out trip to Johor. We reached at a very far-off town place to look at a thousand year gigantic tree knob. Entrance is RM10, my parents think this is not worth, so they just let us go in.
還沒進去之前,他要我們去洗手,,因爲樹眼是一件很珍貴的寶物, 不能讓凡人的手沾汙了他的潔淨。進去后,就有一個中年婦人告訴我們不能拍照! 哇靠,花了RM10還不能拍照, 而且又不是古董。他告訴我們這個樹眼很特別,因爲她有各種不一樣的楊貌,例如像靈馬, 大象,烏龜等。但是我們卻得像是自己的說多一點。
Before we went into it, they want us to washed our hand, because it is valuable, we can't use unclean to touch it. After we go in there, a middle-age woman warn us not to take photo! Wow, no photo shooting?!? This is not antique. This woman told us tree know is valuable and can looked like many things such as Elephant, Turtle, horse etc... But i feel like they just simply say only.
講解之後, 他讓我們圍繞在樹眼外面,一個一個慢慢摸,然後在自己的心裏許願。 我一直覺得我們看起來很好笑,感覺像哈利伯特的情節,大家圍在一起認真拿著一個破爛襪子, 目不轉睛的看招那個破爛襪子, 不了解的人一定覺得他們是神經病。對於我,我在摸那個樹眼的時候就有這樣的感覺。
After explain, she let us touch the tree knob one bye one and make a wish, i feel so funny, and feel like the plot of Harry Potter,all people sat together holding a seriously broken socks, stare in to that worn socks, People that don't understand must feel like they are neuropathy. For me, I have the same feeling when i touched the tree knob.

During we watch the tree knob, our tourist guide took out her camera and wanna take photos. That woman told her not to do so, she put it down embarrass. My brother ask her :"Guide, you never been here?” She replied that she have been here before but my brother said:" Then why you don't know we cannot do photo shooting here and take out your camera." The guide replied she for got awkwardly.
我這個弟弟真的是天兵啊!雖然我也這麽覺得,可我還不敢這麽說呢。 :)
My brother is really Q, although i know the fact is the tourist guide is lying, but i don't dare to ask. :)