ただ、君を愛してる = Heavenly Forest / 現在只想愛你

“現在‧只想愛你”, 日本的純愛電影. 女主角靜流是一名會隨着長大而導致病情惡化的女生. 她生性古怪奇特, 抗拒長大, 因為不想離開這世界. 但是最后她遇見樂男主角誠人, 即使男主角不喜歡她, 還是一廂情愿的栽了下去, 也因為這樣, 逼迫自己一定要長大成很有魅力的女人, 每次都說當男主角再看見她的時候一定會后悔當初沒捉緊她. 當然在電影里, 靜流為了愛而長大, 也為了愛離開.
“Heavenly Forest”, a Japan junai (True love) story. Shizuru (heroin) is a girl that her illness will become worse if she grow up. She is weird, refuse to grow up because she don’t want to leave this world. At the end, she met with Makoto (hero). Even though Makoto don’t like her, she keep going on with her love and force herself to grow up to become an attractive woman, she always said when the guy met him again, he must regret because he did not grab her before. In the movie, Shizuru grow up for love and die for love.

在電影裏,靜流無條件的為男主角付出,當他的好朋友, 教他如何向喜歡的人表白,開玩笑的和他說我喜歡你,在最後,她真的成功讓男主角喜歡上她。
In the film, Shizuru do everything for him, become his good friend, teach him how to express his love to another girl, saying I Like you with funny way, and at last, Makoto have fall in love with her.
“這種病叫‘戀愛死’”, 靜流也真的為了戀愛而死. 這是電影裏面的其中一句對白。
"This disease is called 'love death'", Shizuru really died for love. This is one of the dialogue in the movie.

我想, 為何日本電影里總會有一個主角會因病而死? 或許因為戀愛的激情就在那一剎那, 日子久了, 結合在一起組織家庭, 任何的浪漫因素都被抹殺.
I am wondering, Why Japanese movie always have one main character dies because of illness? Perhaps because of passion of love exist in a moment only, as time goes by, become a family, no romantic elements are disregarded.
“ 哦! 我很喜歡他哦, 他做什麼都那么美!” 一個喜歡某某偶像的朋友這么說.
“Oh, I like him so much, whatever he did is beautiful.” A friend that adore a idol said so.

“那你想想他蹲在廁所大不出便的樣子, 在那邊嗚嗚嗚擠, 而且劈里啪啦糞便泄出來, 再加上吃壞肚子的屁聲, 還認為他真的那么夢幻嗎?” 我很想這樣告訴那些經常沉迷于偶像帥氣的朋友.
"What do you think if he squatted on the toilet and unable to defecate, and with the sound of his fart, do you still think he is a fantasy?” I always wish to tell those people who addicted with idols.
偶像氣息, 很容易被現實的殘酷徹底的打敗, 因為我們存在于這個世界, 夢幻沒辦法支撐我們的生活.
Idol can be defeated by cruel reality easily, because we exist in this world, fantasy can’t support our lives.
這部電影由宮崎葵與玉木宏主演, 導演是新城毅彥, 以日本東京及美國紐約為舞臺。而現在看著招玉木宏的交響情人夢,看完了再告訴你們。

一向來都滿喜歡宮崎葵, 因爲她很自然,讓人有一種清新的感覺, 期待她有更棒的作品。大家都說看這部電影會哭,我沒哭,因爲只有幸福的感覺。
I always love Aoi Miyazaki because she is natural and looked fresh. Looking forward for her better works. Most people cried when watching this movie, I don’t, because I just have a happy feeling.
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ReplyDelete唉~怎么日剧都会有人死的~ XD
ReplyDeleteoh?! 你说的店是什么店啊?! XD