你們一定要聼。。最近我很愛.. you all must listen, fall in love with this song recently..
前天陪媽媽到馬六甲去看大姨, 因爲表弟打電話來說她入院了。哪知道根本是一場烏龍。今天不想說這件事情,因爲我已從馬六甲回來,歡天喜地的想打開我的電腦,就出現這樣的東東了。 The day before yesterday I accompanied my mother to Mal...

选择题: 假如律师和政客同时掉进河里,请问你會怎麽做? Multiple choice: If lawyers and politicians falling into the river at the same time, what will you do? A.)去...

"為什麼這個學期你特別的關注自己的學業啊?" 朋友玲很好奇我這個學期的奇特反應, 對學業的熱衷. 雖然這是一件好事, 但發生在我身上卻很不平凡. "Why do you have a particular concern on your studie...